
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Proudly Hail Alma Mater

1. Graduation day is a time to leave your Alma Mater for a higher learning or to join in the world of work.

2. Tears and joy are mixed results of completing a hard work of academic studies.

3. Sad and despair are for those who are school leavers, drop outs and truants.

4. Parents, guardians proud are they for having the sons and daughters who are academically outstanding.

5. Teachers, mentors are so proud to see their graduates who excel and able to surpass all kinds of trials on their way to academic pursuit of studies.

Friday, February 14, 2014

'Love Is For The of Us'

Love is
1. Love is when I never fail to court her everyday and greet her in her special day, and of course, in Valentine's day.

2. Love is when she washed my dirty pair of socks and filled in my lunch box with my favorite foods.

3. Love is when I went home late in the evening, she welcomed me with a hug and led me to the dinning table where my foods are ready.

4. Love is she surprised me with my favorite foods when I am no longer minding to celebrate my birthday.