1. When you dream, your head is on the sky but your feet should be on the ground.
2. It's good to dream the impossible for it energizes yourself to muster all the best you have.
3. To compete is a natural tendency of every being.
4. In every victory, there's always a painful experience.
5. A winner is never a quitter.
6. In every competition always put your best foot forward to excel.
7. When you fail in any endeavor of your life, you gain a worthwhile experience.
8. A successful person is the one who tries and tries until he dies.
9. The day I lose you is the day to strengthen myself to be brave and to stand steadfast.
10. Getting irritated when things get worse is normal. Reciprocating it makes it worst and deadly.
11. To gain is to lose. To lose is to gain.
12. He who uses people for his personal gain is greedy.
13. He who dies for the people is a hero.
Matt Monroe - The Impossible Dream